Government Inspectorate of Viet Nam attends the Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum 2024
According to the 2024 Workplan for International Cooperation, The Government Inspectorate of Viet Nam sent a Delegation headed by Mr. Nguyen Viet Thach, Deputy Director General of Anti-Corruption and Anti-Negativity to the Conference on "Fostering integrity policies and strengthening anti-corruption frameworks in Asia-Pacific” and the Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum 2024 organized by OECD in Paris, France from March 23-29, 2024.
The 2024 OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum took place in 3 days, from March 25-27, 2024 with the theme "Designing a new future through integrity". Revolving around this topic, the Forum conducts in-depth working sessions on integrity and anti-corruption. The conference "Strengthening integrity policies and promoting the anti-corruption framework in the Asia-Pacific region" is an event taking place on the sidelines of this Forum.
the Conference on "Fostering integrity policies and strengthening anti-corruption frameworks in Asia-Pacific” attracted the participation of nearly 50 delegates who are anti-corruption experts and planners. policies, law enforcement officers of governments and a number of international development partners from more than 20 countries, territories and members of the OECD Secretariat. The conference includes 06 working sessions, specifically: New trends in anti-corruption and promoting integrity in the Asia-Pacific region; Strengthening anti-corruption capabilities in Asia-Pacific: Challenges and lessons learned; Strengthen national and multinational efforts to address corruption risks in emergency response in the Asia-Pacific region; Promote business integrity in the Asia-Pacific region; Managing conflicts of interest and declaring assets for public integrity and Dialogue with international development partners on integrity and anti-corruption in the Asia-Pacific region.
Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum 2024 took place over two days, March 26 and 27, 2024 with the participation of about 4,000 delegates representing countries, territories and members of the Secretariat of OECD. The forum was organized into 08 working sessions with the following topics: Launching the OECD Anti-Corruption and Integrity Outlook; Data-Driven Accountability in Lobbying & Influence: Harnessing Innovations in Al and Analytics; Combating Illicit Financial Flows and tax crimes through effective strategies; Galvanizing the Private sector as partners in combating corruption; Insights from the OECD Public Integrity Indicators; High-level opening remarks-Celebrating 25 years of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention; Unpacking the legacy: The OECD Anti-Bribery Convention’s Jounrye; Charting the Future: Enhancing and adapting the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention for global integrity and Mitigating Corruption Risks in Post-Conflict Recovery Efforts: A development Cooperation Perspective.
Sharing at Session 5 of the Conference, the Vietnamese representative informed about some clear progress in perfecting the law and enforcing the law on controlling conflicts of interest, property, and income in Vietnam, which affirms that Vietnam's Law on Prevention and Combat of Corruption, comprehensively revised and promulgated in 2018, is a strong testament and affirmation of the very high political determination of the Party and Government of Vietnam in anti-corruption. With various progressive regulations and strict compliance with international standards on anti-corruption recognized in the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), Vietnam's 2018 Anti-Corruption Law has recognized various measures to build and promote integrity such as implementing openness and transparency in the activities of agencies and organizations; exercise accountability; control conflicts of interest; Control assets and income of people with positions and powers. In order to effectively implement the Law on Prevention and Combat of Corruption and other related regulations, in the coming time, the Government of Vietnam will continue to promote the implementation of many synchronous, strong, and special solutions. is to build an extensive and comprehensive corruption prevention mechanism in the state apparatus and the entire society, especially measures to promote integrity in both the state and non-state sectors; Strengthen supervision and strict control of public service activities and the team of officials, civil servants and public employees; Prevent corruption in business activities.
At the bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the Forum with representatives of the OECD Secretariat, the OECD representative expressed his appreciation and continued desire to promote the role and effectiveness of cooperation with the Vietnamese Government Inspectorate in the coming time, focusing on supporting capacity building to promote corporate integrity and specifically the issue of criminalizing the liability of legal entities. The Government Inspectorate's delegation expressed appreciation for the OECD's role in choosing Forum topics that are very practical and topical, creating an important information base and having certain reference values for planning and implementing anti-corruption policies in Viet Nam. At the same time, the delegation also affirmed that promoting integrity in the state and non-state sectors is also Vietnam's current policy and approach. The Vietnamese delegation highly appreciates the ability to cooperate with OECD, especially in providing technical assistance, exchanging and sharing information and good experiences on preventing and combating corruption and promoting integrity, and wishes to continue to receive support and effective cooperation from all OECD member countries and member countries participating in the Forum, to jointly promote integrity, prevent and fight corruption, and develop the economy, society, for common prosperity.
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