Workshop “Promoting social engagement in fighting corruption”
In the framework of Anti-Corruption and Transparency Working Group of APEC (ACTWG) activities in APEC 2017, on 18/02/2017, the Government Inspectorate of Vietnam, in collaboration with the United Nations Office On Drugs and Crime, organized the Workshop on “Promotingsocial engagement in fighting corruption” in Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa.
The workshop was held with the presence of representatives from Anti-coruption agencies of APEC member economies; international APEC Secretariat; some international organisations; Vietnamese ministries and central agencies (Vietnam Fatherland Front, National Assembly Judicial Committee, Central Control Committee, Central Internal Affairs Committee, Ministry of Public Security, Supreme People’s Procuracy, etc.), and local organizations, enterprises. Vietnam Government Inspector General H.E. Mr. Phan Van Sau;Chairof APECACTWG, Deputy Inspector General Nguyen Van Thanh; Vice Chairman of Khanh Hoa Province Nguyen Duy Bac attended the Workshop.
On behalf of the leaders of the Government Inspectorate of Vietnam, Government Inspector General Phan Van Sau warmly welcomed all delegates and distinguished guests to participate the important activities in the framework of the first Senior Official Meeting of APEC Vietnam 2017. He stressedthat theGovernment of Vietnam considered corruption one of the risks that threat the survival of the regime; anti-corruption work is an important,urgent, long-term, difficult and complicated task which must be continually strengthened. Various corruption prevention measures have been implemented and frequently reviewed, evaluated and adjusted to ensure the effectiveness of implementation. Mr. Phan Van Sau insisted that the Workshop on “Promoting social engagement in fighting corruption” was the opportunity for member economies to discuss, exchange experiences, expertise, challenges and good practices to promote social engagement in anti-corruption. He hoped that results of the workshop will be an input for APEC ACTWG to develop itsguiding documents or commitmentson ensuring effective and safe engagement of the entire society, including businesses, in anti-corruption in the coming time. The Workshop included 03 discussion session: Responsibilities of State in promoting social engagement in anti-corruption, moderatedbyrepresentative from the UNODC; Anti-corruption in private sector: legal framework and active engagement of enterprises, moderatedbyrepresentative from theGovernment Inspectorate of Vietnam; Role of social organizations and citizens in Anti-corruption, moderatedbyrepresentative from the National Assembly Judicial Committee./.
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