Korean Capacity Building Program for State Audit of Vietnam and Government Inspectorate of Vietnam
(ThanhtraVietnam), On 19/10/2015, the capacity building program for State Audit of Vietnam (SAV) and Government Inspectorate of Vietnam (GIV) was started up at the Korean Board of Audit and Inspectorate (BAI).
Participating in the start-up ceremony included Mr. Hwang Chan Hyun – Audit Inspector General – BAI, Mr. Pham Huu Tri – Vietnam Ambassador to Korea, Mr. Shin Dong Ick – Deputy Minister in charge of multilateral diplomacy, the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, officials from BAI, GIV and SAV who would take part in the training program.
On behalf of BAI, Mr. Hwang Chan Hyun – Audit Inspector General welcomed the Delegations of GIV and SAV. He generally informed the Delegations about the Korea’s development situation as well as the well relationship between Vietnam and Korean in general and that among BAI, GIV and SAV in particular. Mr. Hwang Chan Hyun also generalized the results of the First training Program (in 2014) and the directions for this Second Program. Through this Program, BAI hoped that it would help the officials of GIV and SAV to understand further the role of BAI in the Korea’s development progress and share the BAI’s experiences on the inform in audit and inspection, which contributed to enhance the capacity of officials from GIV and SAV.
At the ceremony, Mr. Pham Huu Chi – the Vietnam’s Ambassador to Korea represented Vietnamese Government to expressed the thanks to the BAI, Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) for setting up this training program for Vietnamese officials to enhance the capacity of them and he also wish the Program the success.
The Training Program was organized by BAI, KOICA from 15/10 – 29/10/2015 to introduce the BAI-Model under 12 parts, including: National audit and inspection (AI) mechanism, Standard and Process for AI, Developing and operating the AI management system…through which the participants can make the own Action plan and apply it in the work to strengthen the efficiency of the agency.
Dao Phuong
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