The 20th Secretariat Meeting of ASEAN Parties against Corruption
Upon the invitation of the State Inspection Authority (SIA) of Lao PDR, from 9th to 11th July, the Government Inspectorate of Viet Nam Delegation (GI Delegation) headed by Mr. Hoang Duc Hung, Deputy Head of Division on the United Nations Convention against Corruption Implementation, Anti-corruption Bureau, attended the 20th Secretariat Meeting of the ASEAN Parties against Corruption (ASEAN-PAC) themed "Enhancing the Collaborative Capacity Building and Anti-Corruption Efforts of ASEAN-PAC Instituitions to Advance the Achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals" and the ASEAN-PAC capacity building Workshop on investigation and recovery of stolen assets in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR.
The 20th ASEAN-PAC Secretariat Meeting was attended by more than 30 delegates from 10 ASEAN-PAC member agencies. Under the chairmanship of H.E. Mr. Vilayvanh Boutdakham, Vice Chairman of SIA, the meeting focused on the following working items: SIA’s updates on ASEAN-PAC’s related activities conducted during the current Chairmanship of SIA; Discussion on and adoption of the Minutes of the 19th ASEAN-PAC Secretariat Meeting; Discussion on the post-launching of the ASEAN-PAC e-booklet, the 20th Anniversary of the ASEAN-PAC Establishment and the preparation for the ASEAN-PAC training workshop in year 2024; Discussion and sharing on anti-corruption efforts of ASEAN-PAC members to promote the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals; and Updates from representatives of the Corruption Eradication Commission of Indonesia (KPK) on the hosting of the 20th ASEAN-PAC Principals Meeting.
Through discussions at the Meeting, ASEAN-PAC members came to the common agreement that continuing the enhancement of the collective collaboration through activities such as organizing seminars and workshops for exchanging experiences and buiding capacity would contribute to bring about more useful international experiences to support the anti-corruption works of each member agency, thereby promoting international collective strength and improving the anti-corruption effectiveness. ASEAN-PAC member agencies affirmed to support and actively respond to the mutual legal assisstance requests or information sharing requests received from the group’s members. Regarding the hosting the 20th ASEAN-PAC Principals Meeting, the representative of KPK confirmed that KPK would host the Principals Meeting in the fourth quarter of 2024 and would soon develop and circulate among members the initiative for celebrating the 20th Anniversary of ASEAN-PAC Establishment to seek for members’ opinions and approval.
The ASEAN-PAC capacity building workshop was organized by SIA in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). With the main theme "Strengthening the Capacity of ASEAN-PAC Member Agencies on Investigation and Asset Recovery", experts from UNODC and a number of anti-corruption agencies in the region gave in-depth presentations on the implementation of UNCAC chapters on criminalization and law enforcement, prevention, and asset recovery of the Southeast Asian countries; At the same time, participants and experts worked in groups, discussed and shared good practices as well as difficulties and challenges in investigation and recovery of stolen asset in the region, thereby making recommendations and possible solutions for the coming time.
The GI delegation participated in all activities and working items under the meeting and workshop’s agendas, making presentation at the Secretariat Meeting on Viet Nam's anti-corruption efforts contributing to promoting the achievement of 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
The 20th ASEAN-PAC Secretariat Meeting and the ASEAN-PAC Capacity Building Workshop completed susscessfully. Member agencies of ASEAN-PAC expressed their high appreciation for SIA Laos’ well-prepared hosting of the events. By attending these events, the Government Inspectorate of Viet Nam affirmed its role as an active and responsible member agency of ASEAN-PAC, thereby contributing to strengthening Viet Nam's position and role in regional anti-corruption cooperation./.