At the talk, H.E. Mr. Huynh Phong Tranh highlighted “I believed that this working visit of the delegation vividly represent the friendship between two agencies, strengthen the good relationship between GIV and CPIB in particular and that between Singapore and Vietnam in general”.
The delegation of CPIB was introduced with the functions, duties and organizational mechanism of the inspection branch; results of the inspection and anticorruption works of 2014, the orientation, tasks of Vietnam inspection branch in 2015; inspection on the responsibility of anticorruption works in ministries, industries and locality, the advantages, challenges and experiences; and Vietnam strategic direction on anticorruption.
The representative of the Singaporean Delegation introduced common features on “CPIB’s Prevention and Outreach Strategies”. Accordingly, Singapore is one of the least corruptive countries in the world. Corruption in Singapore is a serious crime, which need to be strictly punished regardless of the criminal’s position or power so that the investors would desire to invest in Singapore. Singaporean Government controlled corruption through 4 pillars: Effective anticorruption legislation; independent jurisdiction system; effective law enforcement; responsible and accountable public administration and especially high political will of maintaining a culture without stand for corruption.
When it comes to the outreach strategies, CPIB carried out the dissemination at the public site to inform the anti-corruption messages to community at large; host the learning journey for students to CPIB agency; educate target groups on corruption prevention and role and responsibilities of CPIB; engage and network with counterparts for exchange of ideas on corruption prevention; cooperate with non-government organization in anti-corruption education and training, release the corruption statistics on media channels (newspapers, facebook, twitter, youtube etc.)…
Both sides also deeply discussed the difficulties and challenges faced by both sides on anti-corruption works.
H.E. Mr. Huynh Phong Tranh sincerely requested H.E. Mr. Wong Hong Kuan to send his regards to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and the President Tony Tan Keng Yam as well as the Singaporean leaders with the best wishes on health and happiness and his pleasure to welcome Singaporean leaders when they visit Vietnam.
Simultaneously, Inspector General of GIV stressed that GIV consider CPIB as the strategic partner in international cooperation on the bilateral and multilateral forum. GIV also look forward to strengthening the cooperation with CPIB on specific issues: Research, survey on the regulations and practices of Singaporean corruptive assets recovery; it’s experiences on corruption prevention and settlement in the private sector; sponsoring for short-term training course of strengthening the capacity and English for officials in inspection branch.
Dao Phuong