SOM 1 APEC Thailand events
Accepting the Invitation of the President of National Anti-corruption Committee of Thailand, 34th ACTWG Chair and 9th ACT-NET Chair, Viet Nam Delegation including representatives from Government Inspectorate of Viet Nam, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Justice, State Bank of Viet Nam and Supreme People’s Procuracy led by Mrs. Trinh Nhu Hoa, Deputy Director of International Cooperation Department attended events: 34th ACTWG Meeting (17th Feb), 9th ACT-NET Meeting (18th Feb) and APEC Workshop on Technology for Transparency: Digital Disruption to Corruption (14-15th Feb).
At the Workshop on for Transparency: Digital Disruption to Corruption (14-15th Feb), participants were shared with useful information regarding: forms of crimes enabled or facilitated by digital tools or systems, risks areas for committing and concealing corruption and bribery by using digital tools and technologies, tools and practices of digitalization and data analysis in relation to corruption in the Asia-Pacific region, potentials for applying digital tools and systems, for example AI, block chain or crypto currency to anti-corruption efforts etc. In general, the workshop provided participants with a lot of useful information on a new issue with many challenges in the practical settlement.
Also under framework of SOM 1 APEC Thailand 2022, GIV delegation fully attended the Agenda items of 34th ACTWG Meeting (dated on 17/02/2022) and 9th ACT-NET Meeting (dated on 18/02/2022). At the 34th ACTWG Meeting, 2021 New Zealand ACTWG Chair briefly reported the work done during 2021; member economies discussed the draft ACTWG Multi-Year Strategic Plan 2023 – 2026; ACTWG work plan in 2022; discussed ways the ACTWG can meet TOR objectives to engage across APEC fora, coordinate with multilateral and regional organizations, and increase the participation of the private sector and civil society. At the Agenda item 7, representative of GIV presented Viet Nam’s anti-corruption progress and UNCAC implementation. Besides, member economies reported on the follow-up to the UN General Assembly Special Session against Corruption Political Declaration, and the Beijing Declaration.
On 18th February, representatives from related agencies and GIV also fully attended the 9th ACT-NET Meeting Agenda (18/02/2022). Accordingly, participants shared experiences and challenges on cross-border cooperation relating to corruption investigation, international cooperation on recovery of stolen assets.
Relevant News
- The 20th Secretariat Meeting of ASEAN Parties against Corruption
- The Government Inspectorate of Viet Nam hands over ASEAN-PAC Chairmanship
- The 12th session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on Prevention of Corruption and the Implementation Review Group of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)